Sunday, October 10

a little fashion shoot

Hello! I am very sorry for not updating in awhile. I looked at my blog and was like "WHAT?! I haven't updated it in 18 days?! You've gotta be kidding me!" And i'm sick...with a cold. Not fun. At all. SO! A few days ago me and my sisters dressed up in outfits and my sister Lindsay took pictures of us. Hope you enjoy and here they are!


(Cardigan: $1 at a garage sale. I don't know what the brand is..'cause SOMEONE decided to cut the tag off -_-)

('Old Navy light brown long-sleeved shirt: 5o¢)

(light brown boots: again i do not know of the brand -_- $1 at a garage sale)

(Scarf/headband was made and given as a birthday present by a friend who has the same b-day as me.)

('See Thru Soul' black jeans: $1 at a garage sale)
(Necklaces and ring: my Grandmother's)

(Butterfly pin: Vintage: My Grandmother's)

My grandmother passed away seven years ago & she left us her huge jewelry box with lots of necklaces, rings & earrings.
Back then we were to young to wear & be interested in them...But now that we're older we love getting in the box looking & trying them on. So please, please don't underestimate the elderly people's jewelery, They do have some very cute things!;)

This is my adorable 12 year old sister, Samantha:

(Necklace: WetSeal $8.) (Headband: Love Couture $4.50)

(Forever21 dress: Yard sale for $1.)

( Short-sleeved shirt: Old Navy "perfect tees"got it on half-priced for $5 which is worn for modesty.)

(Lace leggings: $5 Kmart) (Black flats: Yard sale 50¢)

Here is my beautiful 14 year old sister Cameron:

(Dress: 'Red Roxy' given by a friend. Cardigan: Yard sale 50¢. Necklace: Forever21. Headband: Wetseal $4Bracelet: Antique; from my grandmother's jewelery Wedges: Yard Sale $1)

Here is my 17yr old sister Lindsay the photographer:

(Jeans: Paris Blue. Coke Cola t-shirt: Target. Grey tank top for modesty: Wetsealmessenger bag: $5 Bearly Worn which is a thrift shop. sweater: Yard sale $1. Belt: Yard sale 50¢. Headband: Yardsale FREE:)Necklace: My mom's which she got at a yard sale for 5o¢, also.)

Have a fab day!
xoxo Mallory


  1. Cute pictures!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  2. Gorgeous sisters; I can see you all have great sense of style! Love the head bands on all =)
    Especially your 12 year old sis's head band.

  3. N'awh thanks girls! xoxo

    @Miss*Kimmy haha I actually just now realized that we are all wearing headbands;)

  4. you all look so alike, all so pretty.....

    my blog is PLEASE come and check it out im a big fan, and please comment and follow...i really try hard to get followers but barely gettin any :( love ur blog though xx

  5. You girls remind me of Blair Waldorf of Gossip Girl :p

  6. You 3 look adorable in those outfits!
    following :)
    check out my new blog if you like ;)

  7. You and your sisters are also so pretty! and photogenic :) x

    <3 keep up the great posts sweetie x


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