Wednesday, October 26

Nail of the day featuring Barb Pitterle

Who loves Candy Corn??
Well I know I do! And when I saw these nails, mhmm I went crazy!

This amazingly talented woman, Barb Pitterle, did these on her nails! My mom was friends with her as well as fellow cheerleader in high school back in the day. And they were able to reconnect through Facebook! As my mom was looking through Barb's pictures one day, she came across this picture of the candy-corn nails. My mom then showed me, and, with Barb's permission, I am showing all of you!

Aren't they perfect for Thanksgiving and Halloween?

What she used:

Yellow -Wet'n'Wild
Orange -Savvy
White -Ulta.

Topcoat and Basecoat -Poshe

By the way, what are you all dressing up as for Halloween?


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