Sunday, December 18

Home-made headband!

Merry Christmas everybody! What are your plans to celebrate what I think is the best holiday in the world?

Yesterday, I decided to make a headband, and I want to show you how it turned out! I think it turned out great, great enough to give as a Christmas present, which is exactly what I'm going to do!

Enjoy!! :)

What do you think of my home-made headband? Comment below and tell me!


  1. cool diy!

  2. I LOVE that! I think I might make something similar sometime during Christmas break! :)

  3. I love your blog so so much! And that head band is really cute! Could you do me a favor? I have a blog,I've had it since November,(I deleted a ton of posts because the photos were no longer viewable.)and I only have 3 followers. I would really like to get more followers,and I was thinkng that you could help me. Like,do a post about my blog on yours and follow my blog? It would mean sooo much to me,you were one of my insparations to start a blog! Thank you SO much! :)

    Maddie Shae


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