Friday, December 10

Holiday outfits...part 1

Hey loves!
Merry Christmas! This is my most favorite holiday that I look forw
ard to because we can celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ & spend time with our families! I absolutely love the tree, lights, glitter, presents, cookies, and all that jazz! And since it's that time of year, I decided to show some outfits that I would wear on that occasion! These outfits are for a more formal occasion, like a play, a party, ect.


Dress: 'Cavania' given to my by a friend, who was at first going to give it to Goodwill.

Cardigan: 'Free People' garage sale 50¢.

Black heels: 'Fioni' my grandmother gave them to me, she's never worn them.

Faux fur coat:
'Blanc Noir' yard Sale $3.

Jewelry & Flower pin: All out of my mom's jewelry box

Scarf: My mom's, $1 garage sale.

(Just having fun...haha!)

And onto the next outfit! Just as chic, but with a different look.

Dress: 'Bizz,' given to me by a friend who again, was giving it to Goodwill. It never hurts to ask your friends to check with you before getting rid of clothing!;)

Lace leggings: Fred Meyer's$5 half- off.

Black heels: 'Fioni' Again, from my grandmother.

Necklace: Old Navy, on clearance for 99¢.

Check out my sister's blog!

Have a Very Merry Christmas!


  1. You look adorable! :)

  2. I love the second outfit on you! You look great!

  3. You remind me of Blair on Gossip Girl =) You look really cute!


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