Monday, August 8

I'm BACK!!

Hey There!
Long time no see! How is everyone's sum
mer going? Mine is going great, I've enjoyed swimming, going to the beach, going boogie boarding for the first time, eating popsicles and tanning:) Cannot believe that we only have ONE more month until school starts again! Are you looking forward to it?

(me and my sister Cameron boogie boarding. Picture by Lindsay Frost photography)

Some of you may have noticed that it's
been awhile since I've done a new blog post, and my explanation for why is because I felt that I was not enjoying this blog as much as I used to, I was thinking of it more as a JOB, a task. I have also just really been lacking inspiration lately. If it wasn't for my supportive parents...I would've just deleted this blog altogether. But what good would that have done? Absolutely NOTHING! I created this blog to HELP and INSPIRE girls and women. So running away and avoiding doing another blog post would not have gotten me anywhere. Instead I just would've been regretting it SO much.

I feel like I need to apologize to all of you sweet, amazing people for being selfish. I have no reason to just walk off like that. And I am sorry.

I will be posting at least once a week.

SO with that said, expect to see me more often now!



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